Sunday 20 December 2015

WYVER AND THE WILDS; completed screenplay


Addie and her younger brother Theo are thrust into danger after discovering the boy's supernatural powers puts him at odds with the land's ruthless monarchy.

Try this if you enjoyed: 
The Hunger Games, X-Men or The Chronicles of Narnia.

To read the first 15 pages of the script click on this link.

Sunday 1 November 2015

MORE from the author...

'From the Fringe' is a (mostly) film related blog. Here you'll find a lot of reviews and critical ramblings that probably illustrate how I approach my own screenplays; what I enjoy, what I don't, what I feel works and why. Littered between all the 'film stuff' is a little political content and some assorted random posts. Includes some strong language, so be advised.